Muay Thai Boxing【電子書籍】[ Greg Roza ]

Muay Thai Boxing【電子書籍】[ Greg Roza ]

<p>Mixed Martial Arts has just recently gained widespread popularity in American culture, but MMA has been around for many years. Muay Thai is just one of many disciplines of MMA. Originating in Thailand, the name loosely translates to "art of the eight limbs." Though it may appear violent to some from its depictions on TV, the fighting technique is greatly used for self-defense, exercise, and personal discipline. With a brief history and overview of Muay Thai, as well as step-by-step descriptions and photo images of signature moves, this book will teach readers to respect the roots of the sport as well as how to practice on their own in a safe and healthy manner.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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